Changelog edudip next
13.11.2023 Updates
Various visual and technical changes to the new virtual classroom
Note when activating participants in private mode
Optimisation of the server infrastructure
Bug Fixes
- Correct error message when logging in with incorrect credentials
- Screen sharing when changing moderators works properly again
- Deactivation of the double opt-in possible with CleverReach
- Error in the subsequent webinar title change has been fixed
24.10.2023 Updates
Launch of the new virtual classroom (beta version)
From now on, when creating a webinar or meeting, you have the option to choose between the (old) classic version and the new Virtual Classroom.
What to expect:
new design
optimised user interface
optimised breakout rooms with new dashboard
new feature: collaboration tool for easier collaboration on shared documents
virtual backgrounds
25 active participants with next100
meeting grid view
more info
Further changes
- Infrastructure updates
- new techletter
subscribe now
20.02.2023 Updates
- New feature: Optimised Chat
Learn more - Bugfix: “Force private chat” setting and new chat feature are now compatible
- Bugfix: Arrow in chat dropdown is now clickable
- Bugfix: Participants are only displayed as “offline” in the chat if they have left the room
21.12.2022 Updates
- New feature: Chat popout
07.12.2022 Updates
- New feature: Call-to-action Learn more
- Optimisation of the participant list: the participants in the participant list are now listed alphabetically by first name. Participants with hand signals automatically slide up and appear below the co-moderators until the hand signal is removed.
- Optimisation of the chat feature: moderators and co-moderators have the option to mark chat messages as completed. This marking can be canceled again if necessary. Messages can also be deleted by moderators and co-moderators.
- Optimisation of character usage for moderator names: All punctuation marks and alphanumeric characters can be used now
- Bugfix: The problem of recordings starting too late has been fixed
- New changelog format: moderators and co-moderators will now receive the latest changes once as a pop-up window in the dashboard and webinar or meeting room. In addition, the change log can be found in the dashboard under the new menu item “Changelog”.
- Optimisation of the video quality
05.12.2022 Updates
Bugfix: Webinars can only be started in the presence of the owner (10/24/2022)
Bugfix: “Delete chat on start” works fine again
Bugfix: Registration date of registered participants is displayed correctly
Bugfix: Special characters are displayed correctly for pdf uploads
Bugfix: Time and time zones are displayed correctly for international users and automations are sent correctly accordingly
22.08.2022 Updates
- Optimisation of the webinar registration form
- Optimisation of dashboard loading times
- Bugfix: Cleverreach connection works properly again
- Bugfix: Language settings for account and webinar area are displayed correctly
07.06.2022 Updates
- Overhaul of the automated emails for participants
06.05.2022 Updates
- Launch of the new edudip next website (
21.04.2022 Updates
- Optimisation of avatar services
- Bugfix: Deleting webinar documents works fine again
18.01.2022 Updates
- Optimisation of the calculations of the reporting function
- Optimisation of automated emails
- Optimisation of file uploads & chat log
- Bug fix: Screen sharing in the meeting room is now available again for participants
07.12.2021 Updates
Separation of website and software
- Website:
- Customer area/ Login area:
Due to the separation, the public website and the internal customer area are now accessible via two different URLs. Due to the establishment of an automatic forwarding, there will be no changes for customers.
Further changes
- Optimisation of the payment process
- new menu item “Subscription” in the dashboard
- Bugfix: Currency conversion works again
- Optimisation of the recording function
26.11.2021 Updates
Update breakout rooms:
- Breakout rooms also available in meetings
- Automatic assignment of participants is now possible
- The number of available breakout rooms is no longer limited to 6
- Spontaneous creation of breakout rooms possible during the webinar
- Optimisation of dashboard loading time
- Reviews and webinars are displayed in the dashboard with pagination
- Participant list in the dashboard is displayed with pagination
Updates vom 04.11.2021
- New feature: Launch of the new breakout rooms
27.10.2021 Updates
- Bugfix: Attendance times and dates of the participants are displayed correctly again./li>
- Bugfix: Reminder emails are sent correctly again
- Bugfix: Upload of pdf files during a webinar works fine again.
06.10.2021 Updates4>
- Bugfix: Editing and saving roles in the team management area is possible again.
- Bugfix: New fonts on the landing page will now be saved correctly. edudip presentation is also available for download in English now.
- Bugfix: It is possible to reset the password again on the englisch website
- Bugfix: A message appears when the webinar is fully booked
- The contact information shows up in a new design.
- Adjustments to the registration form for the free trial.
- Bugfix: English can be activated again under the available languages in the dashboard.
- Beta label for meetings has been removed. Optimisation of the recording feature
- Invoices are issued for Switzerland with the correct VAT rate.
14.09.2021 Updates
- Recording optimisations.
- In the case of multiple choice surveys, the number of votes is no longer displayed, but the number of participants.
- Issue with a Chrome pop-up obscuring the moderator feed has been fixed.
- Bugfix: Capital letters in links are no longer automatically changed in the chat area.
- Bugfix: Preview of the webinar landing page is displayed correctly again.
- Bugfix: German telephone dial-in works correctly again.
- Bugfix: Value added tax is displayed and billed correctly again on invoices from EU customers with a VAT identification number.
- Bugfix: Incorrect participant lists and attendance times.
- Bugfix: Fix of an incorrect link on the price page.
- Bugfix: Recordings from January 12th, 2021 can be downloaded correctly again.
- Bugfix: The login mask of the meeting room is displayed correctly in English.
- Missing translations have been added.
- Co-moderators are no longer counted as participants.
- Optimised presentation of longer registration forms on the webinar landing page.
- Performance optimisations
Updates vom 07.07.2021
- Paid webinars: Users of paid webinars have the option to create multiple participant credits at once.
- Paid webinars: A disclaimer notice has been added.
- Paid webinars bugfix: Incorrect email addresses can now be changed in the booking process.
- Paid webinars bugfix: Note and taxation relating to the small business regulation is now correctly displayed in the invoice.
- Online consultations with the sales department can now be booked on
- edudip has a new help centre
- Bugfix: On the webinar landing page, the text can now be displayed in italics with a click on the corresponding button.
- After the end of a meeting or webinar, a feedback form appears, which gives the owner of the webinar or meeting the opportunity to rate the software tool.
- Meeting appointments can be deleted now.
- Bugfix: Invisible YouTube videos are visible again for all participants and in the recordings.
- The information and dial-in data for the telephone dial-in (V2 infrastructure) will not be sent anymore.
- Bugfix: The moderator buttons in the dashboard and webinar dashboard were linked correctly.
- Bugfix: It is no longer possible to create appointments in the past.
- Bugfix: The link in English rating emails now leads to the rating option.
- The visibility of the recordings in the account can be restricted using a new setting option.
- Bugfix: Alternative appointments are no longer created as series appointments.
- New information option through info box in the customer dashboard.
- Bugfix: Error message for invalid videos is displayed again.
- Bugfix: Youtube links that contain an underscore work again.
- Survey participants will see a notification when multiple responses are possible.
- Blocked participants are reactivated by ending a webinar and can participate again after a restart.
14.06.2021 Updates
- Loading time of reporting page optimised
- In case of registration forms for individual webinars that are connected via the API, the values of the query fields added afterwards are now also an output.
- In the URL of your meeting you can now read “meeting” instead of “webinar”.
- Optimisation of the setting “Automated deletion of participant data”.
- In case of webinars with several alternative dates, the next date is no longer preselected.
- Missing translations are now displayed correctly. -Bugfix: Administrators can now see all of their team members’ webinars in the webinar overview again.
- Bugfix: The “Recipient” selection field in the webinar room no longer skips to “All participants” when any participant leaves, enters or reloads the room.
- Bugfix: Double or deactivated screen sharing has been fixed.
- The maximum number of messages allowed in the chat has been limited to 1000 characters.
- Survey results are now rounded to the second decimal number to ensure more accurate results.
- Video quality optimised
- Optimisation of internal logging / monitoring systems in order to ensure a faster response time in the event of malfunction.
19.05.2021 Updates
- Improved error messages in the webinar and meeting room. For example, a suitable error message is displayed if the maximum number of participants has been reached or no more free presenter seats are available
- Individual registration fields in the webinar registertation form can now be read via the public API
- Fixed a bug that under certain circumstances switching from German to English in the email automations does not work
- Speed of the website improved, especially for the login area and the webinar landing page
- Empty chat messages containing only spaces are filtered out in the chat and are no longer displayed
- Added a setting for automated deletion of old participant data (e.g. from participant management) after 7, 31, 92, 184, or 366 days/li>
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